Spirit was a great band from L.A. This is a collection of songs from their first four albums from 1968-1970. Although only one song made the Top 40 in the U.S., “I Got A Line On You” which reached no. 25, all the songs on this record are very good. Most of the songs are from their first and fourth records. “Natures Way” is an early environmental song, “Fresh Garbage” has a Jazzy middle section, “Uncle Jack” is Beatle-like, “1984” and “Dark Eyed Woman” have some great guitar by Randy California. “Mechanical World” has a melancholy sound while “Mr. Skin” is a bit Funky. This is a record I bought in 1973 when it was released. On of my earlier records the label has my name and parents phone number written on it by a friend of mine. At the time I was still listening to my records on my parents Webcor record player that was from the 50’s. It was in the dining room next to a long window seat where I kept my records. The record is pretty scratchy sounding but no skips. The cover is in fair shape.