Jimmie Spheeris was a singer songwriter who put out some records in the 70’s. This is his first record from 1972, The first song “The Nest” was on a promotional three record set from Columbia Records that had songs from artists on their label on it. Purchased from their Record Club the record has short biographies of the artist and a picture of the album inside the tri-fold cover. Looking through the dollar bin at the Ephrata record store I immediately recognized the cover, which is a 1887 work by Gustave Dore, and bought it. The music is soft rock like America or Dan Fogelberg. Besides “The Nest” which goes from quiet to loud and has some flute in it the rest of the songs are not too great. “I Am The Mercury” that sounds a bit like an old traditional song was the only other song I liked. This is a promo copy and the cover and record are in bad shape. Spheeris died in 1984 from a motorcycle accident.