This is a used record I bought at the West Reading store for $4 about three years ago. This has some of the best songs from records I used to have but sold. “Train To Nowhere” is from their third album,”Louisiana Blues” is a 9 minute live cut and a showcase for Kim Simmonds guitar playing. “I’m Tired”,”Needle and Spoon” and “A Hard Way To Go” are all ones I liked. “Wang Dang Doodle” is a cover of a Muddy Waters song. “Hellbound Train” anothger 9 minute song is a classic. 2 verses,an organ solo,another verse,then the train keeps rolling with guitar bass and drums,picking up speed until an abrupt unsetteling stop. I saw Savoy Brown in the early 90’s shortly after I moved to West Reading from Philly. They played in the basement of a small bar on 10th Street in Reading. I don’t remember the name of the place but I do remember they had album covers on the walls. There couldn’t have been more than 30 people there. Tried to find a record of the show on the internet but could not. Obviously Kim Simmionds was there but I don’t know who else was in the band.