I bought this cassette in ’91 when it was released. At Tower Records in Philly near where I used to live at the time I was looking through their cassettes for something to buy(vinyl had dissapeared by then) and came across this one. Never having heard of the band I must admit I bought it because of the obviously English girl on the cover. They are a London band consisting of Bob Stanley and Pete Wigs with Sarah Cracknell on vocals. After putting it in the tape player and listening to it I immediatly fell in love with it. Side one has six great Dance/Techno songs including a cover of “Only Love Can Break Your Heart”.”Carnt Sleep”, “She’s The One” and “Spring” are great songs. “Wilson” is a collage of samples and found sounds with an English woman repeating “Would You Like Some Sweets Willie?”. You can hear someone saying LSD in the background. My three year old son liked that one when he heard me playing it one day. I mostly played side one of the cassette,side two is quite different. Although “Nothing Can Stop Us”would fit with the songs on side one the others “Stoned To Say The Least”,”London Belongs To Me” and “Like The Swallow” are more trippy,mostly instrumental,and also very good. After selling all my cassettes in 2013 I waited until 2021 when a 30th anniversary edition was released on green vinyl. I had two other releases on cassette and five CD’s(which I still have) of theirs.