This one was released inJanuary of 1980. With a compleatly new line-up than played on the first two Utopia albums, this quartet of Todd,Kasim Sultan,Willie Wilcox and Roger Powell forgo the Progressive sound and go for a more basc Rock and Pop sound. This is another one I taped off the radio when I was living in the city of Wilmington. One of their better records side one has “The Road To Utopia” and “Caravan” two Utopia classics that got a lot of airplay back then. “Rock Love” is another good one. I remember playing the tape and singing along with Todd at the end of the song were he screams “Standing on the rock of love” and “Get thee behind me Satan”and other things one night after work and a few beers at the Sea Shore motel in Hull, Mass. where me,my wife and one year old son stayed at the last four months of of 1983 before finding a house to rent. “You Make Me Crazy” is another one I like. I bought this record sometime in the late 80’s,don’t remember if it was new or used.