Another album I bought in 1975 upon it’s release. Recorded live in August ’75 Central Park ,New York this is still a Progressive record,at least on side one. Listening to the three songs on side one I found that I didn’t know them as I always played side two but they all sound good to me now. “The Wheel” is one I really like. Side two,played many mant times starts with an instrumental “Mr. Triscuits” before turning into West Side Story’s “Something’s Coming”.”Heavy Metal Kid’s” ,from his Todd album with a great solo by Todd follows and then “Do Ya” ,by Jeff Lynn, the first time I heard that song as I had never heard the original version by The Move at that time and E.L.O.’s version did not come out until 1977. The last song is “Just One Victory” I always liked this version better than the studio cut on A Wizard,A True Star. Another great sounding record.