This is one I bought new, probably in 1974 at Village Records in the Tri-State Mall. I would take the bus there or get a ride with my parents since I didn’t have a car until after I graduated from High School. Love this record especially side two which I played many mant times in my bedroom at home. The third Roxy Music album,Eno had left after their second for solo work and was replaced by Eddie Jobson who plays keyboards and violin. “Street Life” and “Amazona” with an amazing guitar solo by Phil Manzanera are on side one with “Just Like You” in between. “Psalm” a slow song that ends the side is one I didn’t know,I must have skipped that one whenever listening toside one. Sde two is one of my favorite sides of all time. “Serenade” is the first song followed by “Song For Europe” another slow song but one I like with Brian Ferry singing part of it in French. “Mother Of Pearl” has to be my favorite song on the record,I found myself singing along to every word. Starting off with one of their hardest rocking sound for about 2 and a half minutes it suddenly switches to quiet piano and bass with Ferry singing about a woman who he wouldn’t trade for another girl.Beautiful. “Sunset” is another slow song that I liked. The record itself sounds really great after nearly fifty years no scratchyness or skips.. They don’t make them like they used to. The woman on the cover is Playboy’s Playmate of the year for 1973.