The Rolling Stones-Some Girls

One of their best records and the last one to be truly acclaimed. I don’t remember buying this record in 1978 when it was released but it was played all the time in the apartments I shared with three brothers at that time. It must have been mine since no one else had any albums but me. The record I have now was bought since I moved to West Lawn(about six years) but I don’t know if it is a new reissue or a used one in very good condition. The first record with Ron Wood a full time member playing on every track an heir first record with no contributions from Billy Preston,Micky Hopkins or Ian Stewart on keyboards. Wood’s bandmate from Faces Ian McLagan plays piano on two tracks and Mel Collins sax on “Miss You”. That song alienated many Stones fans for its Disco beat but it was a number one song in the U.S. They covered another Temptations song”Just My Imangination(Running Away With Me)”. The lyric “Black girls just want to get fucked all night,I just don’t have that much jam” in “Some Girls” caused a lot of controversy and Mick Jagger was under pressure to remove the line but he refused. “When The Whip Comes Down”.”Lies”,and “Respectable” are straight ahead rockers while “Far Away Eyes” is a foray into Country Music. “Before They Make Me Run” is a song where Keith Richards takes the lead vocal and “Beats Of urden” is one of their best ballads. “Shattered” is a song I liked so much I got a T-shirt made with shattered printed on it. Their last great album. When me and my friends heard the song “Emotional Rescue” we were like “what the hell is that?”

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