The Replacements were a band from Minneapolis that put out 7 albums in the 80’s. Formed by Paul Westerberg,on vocals and guitar,Bob and Tommy Stinson on guitar and bas and Chris Mars on drums. Known for their drunken live shows their first album and EP were Punk and Hardcore offerings. I had them all on cassette or CD,sold them all and later bought vinyl copies of all but their first. This is their second from ’83. While still playing some Punk on songs like “You Lose”,”Run It” and “Color Me Impressed” some songs show a more personal side. “Within Your Reach” is my favorite on the record,a slower tempo song with all instruments played by Paul Westerberg. “Take Me Down To The Hospital” is another one I really like. “Buck Hill” is a Surf Rock instrumental and “Mr Whirly”,credited as “mostly stolen” is a parody of The Beatles “Oh Darling”. A short record at just over 31 minutes it’s a step towards their more Indie/College Rock of later records.