I first had this album on cassette in 1975 which I bought so I could listen to it in my first car, a 1963 Ford Falcon. I still had that tape until 2013 when I sold it along with all my cassette tapes. At some point I bought the album but it went missing some time ago. This is a 2009 reissue on Hollywood Records who released their whole catalouge at that time. This is one of my favorite albums of theirs, played many.many times. Starting with “Brighton Rock” that has an amazing guitar solo by Brian May in the middle it is followed by “Killer Queen” a monster hit for them and the song that made them international stars. The medley of “Tenement Funster”/”Flick Of The Wrist”/”Lily Of The Valley” totaling about 8 minutes is next, the side ends with “Now I’m Here” a concert favorite with a great riff and vocal harmonizing. Side two starts and ends with “In The Lap Of The Gods” and “In The Lap Of The Gods …Revsited” two different songs written by Freddie Mercury. In between are “Stone Cold Crazy”, a fast Heavy Metal type song later covered by Metallica,”Dear Friends” and “Misfire” two ballad type songs,”Bring Back That Leroy Brown” that sounds like something from the 30’s ,and “She Makes Me(Stormtropper In Stilettoes)” another more quiet song. The first album where all four members had a writing credit.