This is the first record I bought. In 1970 I was 13 and in 7th grade. I was in the choir then and one of the songs we were singing was “Leaving On A Jet Plane”. I really liked the song and went out and bought this record.It probably cost about $4 and I bought it at the Sears near our house. I don’t remember if I had my paper route then but I don’t know where else I would have gotten the money. The cover has holes in the upper left corner where the price tag was stappled to it. I don’t think I’ve played this in 40 years. It doesn’t sound bad after more than 50 years ,only one skip but there are lots of visible scratches on the record. Side one was what I played the most. “Too Much Of Nothing” the Bob Dylan song and “I Dig Rock And Roll Music” were the two most “Rocking” songs on the record and they were my favorites. “Stewball” is a song I later heard different versions of and Gordon Lightfoot’s “Early Morning Rain” was another one I liked as was “500 Miles” with Mary Travers taking the lead and Paul Stookey and Pete Yarrow backing her up. “Blowin’ In The Wind” ,another Dylan song, the first song on side one is one I knew from singing it at Boy Scout camp. The first song on side two is “Leaving On A Jet Plane” by John Denver. Also on side two is Pete Seeger’s “If I Had A Hammer” another Boy Scout song and another Dylan song and another Gordon Lightfoot song. Then there’s “Puff(THe Magic Dragon)”. I had this song on some kind of record when I was in elementary school in western Pa. near Pittsburg. One of their firt recordings from 1962 ,the group says it is not it is about marijuana. The song was based on a poem written by a friend of Peter Yarrow’s in 1959. The last song on the record is “Day Is Done” one I never liked and usually never listened to. One of the most successful examples of the Folk scene of the early 60’s they broke up in 1970. They were also involved in the Civil Rights movement and played at the ’63 March On Washington. They have had several reunions since then. Mary Travers died in 2009.