This was another of my friends older brother’s records that we listened ton a lot in the 70’s. We always put on side one although side two had all the hits. Every song on that side is very familiar to me “Gotta Get Up”,”Driving Along”,”Early In The Morning” (a song from the 40’s with just Harry singing and playing the organ),”The Moonbeam Song” and “Down”. Side two has the number one Grammy winning hit “Without You” and two other well known songs “Coconuts” and “Jump Into The Fire”(I love the bass and the nice little jam at the end). He is helped out by Jim Gordon,Klaus Voorman,Herbie Flowers, and Bobby Keys among others. Not sure when I bought this,sometime in the mid 70’s, it’s on RCA’s Dynaflex vinyl which is very thin and flexable supposidly the future of vinyl but it never caught on. This one sure brings back memories.