Kind of a compilation album with seven songs from their last record Message From The Country and five non album singles. Essentially the last music put out by this band. At this time the band was a trio of Roy Wood, Bev Bevan and newcommer Jeff Lynn. This came out in 1972 the same year as the first Electric Light Orchestra album came out also comprising Wood,and Lynn. Wood would leave after that first record to form his own band Wizzard leaving Lynn in control of E.L.O. Six of the twelve songs were written by Roy Wood and six by Jeff Lynn. Side one has five songs by Lynn and one by Wood. The first song “Do Ya” was later redone on E.L.O.’s New World Record album. “Chinatown” by Wood sounds like a Steely Dn song to me. “The Minister” and “THe Words Of Aaron” are both good songs . Side two starts with “California Man” covered by Cheap Trick on their Heaven Tonight record. This version has a 50’s Jerry Lee Lewis sound to it. “No Time” the only Jeff Lynn song on this side is a quieter song with some nice harmonies that sounds like some of his work with E.L.O.. “Untill Your Mama’s Gone” is the most traditional Rock song on the record with guitar by Wood. A rather rare record, I bought this used about seven or eight years ago.