A great collection of songs from his first seven records although there is nothing from his first album and only one from Sailor. These songs are from 1968 to 1972 just before his breakout album The Joker. Six songs from this record are on my playlist so I am very familiar with them but some of the ones I haven’t heard in a while like “Baby’s House”, co-written with Nicky Hopkins and featuring his piano,”I Love You” and his take on “Motherless Childrren” also sounded really good.”My Dark Hour” was recorded with Paul McCartney playing bass and backing vocals from 1969. The songs are in no particular order and picked by Steve himself. I remember when I bought this recor in 1972 at a department store at what was called the Merchandise Mart near were I lived at home,close enough to walk or ride my bike but it was uphill all the way back. “71 was when I first started to listen to FM radio instead of AM top 40 stuff and songs like “Space Cowboy”,Living In THe U.S.A.”,”Your Saving Grace”,”Journey From Eden” and “Fandango” were all songs that were played quite often back then. Since all those songs were on the record except “Fandango”, another good song,I bought it. Since it is a double album it was probably six or seven dollars,a lot of money from my paper route. the album is still in good shape.