This is a 1987 release from Phil Miller who was involved in The Canterbury Scene and a member of Matching Mole,Hatfield and the North and National Health. He later formed a band called In Cahoots with other Canterbury Scene vetrans Hugh Hopper,Elton Dean,Pip Pyle,Dave Stewart,and Peter Lemer. Three of the five songs are with his band In Cahoots,two with Dave Stewart with Barbara Gaskin adding her voice to “A Hard Shoulder”. The music has that Canterbury Scene sound with some Jazz elements also. Lots of interesting jamming from Miller’s guitar and Elton Deans sax. My favorite track is “Figures Of Speech” a 9 minute duet with Dave Stewart playing keyboards and synthesizers. It’s more of a mellow tune,spacey sounding at times and I swear I’ve heard it before, maybe parts used in an add or promo sometime. I bought this when living in Philly some 30 years ago. Still with the $3.99 privce tag on it,the record sounds great.