John Mellencamp-Life Death Love And Freedom

One of his best records, these songs are about getting older as Mellencamp was in his mid 50’s when he recorded this record. My wife and I saw him at The Mann in Philly in June of 2008 a month before this album was released. I remember he played about half the songs from this record and I really loved the lyrics and the more mellow music. I could relate to them as I was 51 myself. “Longest Days”,My Sweet Love”,”If I Die Sudden”,”Troubled Land”,”John Cockers”,”Don’t Need This Body”,and “A New Song” are all great songs that he played at the concert. “Young Without Lovers”,”Jena”,and “Countryt Fair” are also good,really not a bad song on the record. Karen Fairchild of Little Big Town adds vocals on four of the songs. He has a different group of musicians then the ones who had been working with him with T-Bone Burnett producung and playing electric guitar with Mellencamp playing acoustic guitar.

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