“Cyclone”,the first song on the record, was a single I heard on the radio in 1976 and on one of my mix tapes of songs I recorded off the radio then. Probably on a cassette but I had a few I made on 8-track then too. This is a promo album and property of WBCR with a big sticker across the front of the cover listing the song titles and times. It still has the $2.49 price sticker on it. On I bought in the early 90’s. I may have listened to side one once. Besides “Cyclone” the jazzy “I’m So Blue” with a sax solo by Art Pepper is the best song on the record. There is also a cover of “The Letter” and a re-working of “Nickel Song” a early 70’s top 40 song of hers. She has some familiar names helping her out on this one like David Paich and Jeff Porcaro of Toto,Jim Gordon,Richard Green,and Robin Williamson. Probably won’t be keeping this one.