Of the three McCartney records my friends brother had this is the one I remember playing the most. Released just nine months after the Ram album His new group featured the McCartneys,Denny Seiwell and guitarist Denny Laine who had been in the early Moody Blues when they were strictly a Pop band. Side one was what we always played I hardly knew the songs on side two. The four songs on side one are some of their best from the opening “Take It Tony” of “Mumbo” recorded in one take to their cover of the 50’s hit “Love Is Strange”.”Bip Bop” I guess has something to do with Feminism but I always liked it. I’m pretty sure I heard it played on AM radio back then but it doesn’t appear to have been released as a single. “Wildlife” ,the last song on the side,is another good one with Paul doing his own primal screaming.”Some People Never Know” on side two is pretty good. “Tomorrow” was later covered by David Cassidy. Alan Parsons ws one of the engineers on the record. This is another used record I bought recently and is in good shape.