Dave Mason-It’s Like You Never Left

I am very familiar with this record since 1973 when it came out. It was played a lot on my High School radio station back then and one I checked out from my High School’s record library. Later I taped it off the radio in 1979. I bought this used one for $3 about five years ago. Not a bad song on it,as good as his first record. “Baby…Please”,”Every Woman” and “Head Keeper” have backgrund vocals by Graham Nash and are all good songs. “Misty Mountain Stranger” is another good one with some horns. “The Lonely One” has harmonica played by Stevie Wonder. Although I haven’t listened to this album much since I threw away all my tapes of albums recorded off the radio about 15 years ago it brought back memories of hearing these songs on my parents Electrophonic stereo back home. “Baby…Please” and “Misty Mountain Stranger” are on my playlist. I did get to see him in conceret a couple of times,once with Jim Capaldi and another time solo with Al Stewart opening up.

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