Another great album that was in my friends older brothers collection. Recorded in London at the Lyceum, this one came out in late ’75 and we hung out a lot back then as we were both going to the same college and working at the same local steakhouse,drinking,doing drugs and listening to music.His brother had about thirty or so records and I ended up later buying most of them for myself. If you want to hear some good reggae put this one on. Every song is great from “No Woman,No Cry”,”I Shot The Sheriff”, and “Get Up,Stand Up” on side two to “Trenchtown Rock”,”Burnin’ And Lootin'”Them Belly Full”,and “Livley Up Youself” on side one. I bought this new sometime in the 80’s. There is a 3 record set of more from his two night stand at the Lyceum that came out in 2016 that I would like to buy if I ever see it.