After two records Angel Station from ’79 and Chance from ’80 this one came out in 1983. Mann has a compleatly different band on this one. Side one is all covers including “Demolition Man” by Sting and “Eyes Of Nostrdamas” by Al Stewart. One of my favorites on this side is “Runner” which was not on the U.K. release. “Third World Service” is also one I liked but it is edited down from the U.K. version. Side two is mostly written by Mann including “The Africa Suite” which deals with Aparthied in South Africa. Mann was born and raised in South Africa. Also on side two is Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song” which includes parts of Mann’s “Africa Suite . Again edited down from the U.K. version. Guita solo by Trevor Rabin. I had five other records by The Earth band but sold them. Of course I have digital copies of all their albums.