This is a record I bought in 2000 . At that time new releases on vinyl were few and far between so whenever I saw one that looked interesting I bought it.I never heard of Metroschifter and on the back of the record there were different bands listed along with the song titles. After reading the liner notes inside Metroschifter is a band from Louisville,Kentucky who wrote songs for their new album,made rough demos of them then sent them to other handpicked bands to record them. 21 songs were sent to 21 different bands and 13 responded with their own versions and these were put on the record. They are on two records totaling about 60 minutes in length. When first looking at the bands listed on the back the only ones I recognized were The Get Up Kids,The Promise Ring,and Joan Of Arc all whom I would catagorize as Emo bands. I haven’t listened to this much since I bought it but my favorite is by MT Rhoades and His Lonesome Woods Band doing a song called “Under Pressure To Exist”.It’s about 8 and a half minutes long with a nice long fade-out with some female voices. I put that one on my playlist. Some other good songs are by The Get Up Kids,Cooler,Rye Coalition,and Ink & Dagger. An interesting idea,I don’t know if any other band has done something like this before.