This is their third album and their third different line-up. Along with Robert Fripp and Mel Collins on sax and flute there is drummer Andy McCulloch and bassist and singer Gordon Haskell. Another good album this is more Jazz oriented than their previous two albums. Keith Tippett plays piano on this and their next record. The four songs on side one are “Cirkus” sounding more like their earlier work followed by “Indoor Games” which turns into “Happy Family” Both have nice Jazzy instrumental breaks. The side closes with “Lady Of The Dancing Waters” an acoustic song with flute similar to “Cadance And Cascade”. Side two is composed of the 23 minute title track “Lizard” Broken into four parts,the first “Prince Rupert Awakes” has vocals by Jon Anderson of Yes. Mostly instrumental the song features Fripp’s Mellotron,Guitar,plus sax and piano. I bought this record new sometime in the 80’s. It’s on EG records and says collectors edition on the label.