This is another record I taped off the radio. I bought this one about five years ago. Rockihnroll and his next record are the best the band put out. This is from 1981 and has his best known song “The Breakup Song(They Don’t Write ‘Em)” on side one. It starts off with “Valerie” one of many songs I know with that title or with the name in the title or the lyrics. I can think of about ten with that title including ones by Steve Winwood,Bad Company and Amy Winehouse. In the late 70’s I hung around with someone with that name after I broke off my engagement with Sally probably the second most girls name in songs I know of. The first five songs are good “Womankind” and “Can’t Stop Hurting Myself” and “Trouble In Paradise” are as good as the first two. Side two starts with a good cover of “Sheila” the Tommy Roe song from the 60’s. Side two is also pretty good although I did not know those songs as well. When I played a cassette with both sides of a record on one side of a 90 minute cassette I usually only played the first five or six songs before moving on to something else.