This is their fourth album from 1976 and they really hit the bigtime on this one. The first song “Carry On Wayward Son” was a big hit and a staple of FM Rock radio to this day. Still a very Progressive record it sounds like Genesis at some times but with a more rocking edge. “Whats On My Mind” and “Miracles Out Of Nowhere” also on side one are very good songs. Side two with “Opus Insert”,”Cheyenne Anthem”,and the mostly instrumental “Magnum Opus” although not as memorable as anything on side one are also quite good. The three songs mentioned on side one got heavy airplay on the radio back then and I heard them all the time when we were closing the steak house I worked in and we cranked the house stereo up after everyone left. The record got played a lot after I moved out of my parents house into the two apartments I lived in. This is not my original record as it was one that disappeared from the house on Pyle Street in Wilmington. This is a re-issue I bought at some point,I don’t know when.