This is the 1974 offering from the band. The music on this one is similar to that of A Passion Play with Ian Anderson playing a lot of saxophone. If fact the words Passion Play are in the lyrics of two of the songs. Guitarist Martin Barre is mostly absent except for “Back Door Angels” ,the only really rocking song on the album, where he has two solos. “Skating Away On The Thin Ice Of A New Day” and “Bungle In The Jungle” starting off side two got a lot of airplay. “Two Fingers” also on side two could have fit right in on Aqualung with its lines about religion. Side two was the ne I always listened to. I remember listening to this one on my parents new Electrophonic stereo that was in the dining room. Shortly after this in early ’75 I bought my first record player off a friend. I like the back cover with band members,wives and girlfriends posing as characters having to do with the song titles. Again a little scratchy with one skip.