Not content with one 40 plus minute “concept” album(Thick as a Brick) they decided to make another one. This 44 minute album is loosely about the afterlife. Supposedly a four act play,the album comes with a satirical program from The Linwell Theatre with photos of the actors (the band members) with fake names and background information. It also lists the settings of the four acts and has a directory of cast and crew members. The music again is rather Folk oriented with less guitar and organ than on Thick as a Brick with Ian Anderson playing the saxophone on many of the “songs”. I like the instrumental section that ends side one and begins side two called “Forest Dance” by Anderson on a DJ pressing of the album that had individual titles for each part. Of course this is interrupted by “The Story Of The Hare Who Lost His Spectacles” a silly story told by bassist Jeffry Hammond in an exaggerated accent. Side two was the one I played most often. This is the original album I bought in 1973 when I was buying every new Jethro Tull album that came out. There are holes in the upper left corner where the price tag was stapled a practice used by the department store where I bought the record. Scratchy with a couple of skips but it still has the “program” stapeled to the inside of the gatefold cover.