Aqualung from 1971 is there best selling record and most widely known. Four songs “Aqualung”,”Cross Eyed Mary”,”Hymn 43″,and “Locomotive Breath” are all staples of FM Rock radio.The mostly acoustic “Mother Goose” also got a lot of airplay.Often though of as a concept album for its lyrics about God and religion leader Ian Anderson denies that was the intention. This was the first music I heard from Jethro Tull probably in late 1971 when I started going to High School and learned that the school had its own radio station. It was playing the same music as WMMR an FM station that I had just started listening to. I think they played every song on the album including the two longer songs on side two dealing with religion “My God” and “Wind UP”. I eventually ordered this record from Colombia House Record Club as one of my 10 or so records I had to buy sometime in late 1972. It’s another one that disappeared around 1980. This one is a used one I bought in Delaware four years ago. It’s a German release and the cover,both inside and out has a textured finish to it like burlap or cloth, but I’ve never seen one like it. That is why I bought it. Unfortunately the record itself is very scratchy but no skips. If I do get a better record I will put it in this cover.