This is an album I bought new in 1984 when it came out. Moving more in the Mainstream Rock direction and very 80’s sounding with the addition of synthesizer and drum programming by Peter Wolf(not the J. Giles Band singer). He also wrote the single “No Way Out ” with Ina Wolf and “Magician” that sounds like a Synth Pop song with Grace Slick. That being said I do like this record,most of the songs are pretty catchy. Two songs by Paul Kantner on side two “Rose Goes To Yale” and “Champion” are about Lightning Rose,the heroine from the Freedom at Point Zero album. “Layin’ It On The Line” and “No Way Out” were released as videos. Unhappy with the direction of the band founder Paul Kantner left after this record. The rest of the members continued as Starship,Kantner forbidding them the use of Jefferson. He reformed the band as Jefferson Starship The Next Generation in 1992 with some younger musicians with former members Jack Cassady and Marty Balin returning for some tours. I have seen this band four or five times,the first in Reading in 1993 with Papa John Creach and new singer Darby Gould a Grace Slick sound-alike. Paul Kantner died in 2016, strangely original Jefferson Airplane singer Signe Anderson died the same day. Both were 74. Marty Balin died in 2018 at 76.