This one came out in late 1978 .One of the few albums I bought while living in the apartment in Claymont. I do remember when I bought this record. Some Navy people that my apartment mates knew from the shipyard they were working in were having a party at a big rental house near the Tri-State Mall. My girlfriend,a waitress that worked at the steakhouse I was working at was going to meet me there after I got off work. After taking a buss from work to the apartment I took another buss to the mall,my license was suspended at the time, and bought the record. Then walked about a quarter mile to the party through snow that was on the ground. Once I got there I put the record on their turntable that was in a small room of the house. Later I got in a fight with the girlfriend and she left me stranded there with no ride home. The record itself is their best ,all songs are good especially “Mr Clean”,The Kinks song “David Watts”,”In The Crowd”,and “It’s Too Bad”. The two quieter songs “English Rose” and “Fly” are also ones I liked. The record still sounds good.