This is a 1990 album I bought used a few yeas ago for $8. This is one I had on cassette .Another former radio station album with WRKU written on both sides of the cover,record sleeve,and record label. At this point in time the band is Dave Brock,Alan Davey,Harvey Bainbridge,with Simon House returning on violin and new members Richard Chadwick on drums and new singer Bridgett Wishart. This is a very keyboard heavy album with three people playing keyboards. The standout track on this record is “Black Elk Speaks” named after the book of the same name by John Neihardt. Black Elk was a Lakota medicine man who fought at The Little Big Horn and told his story to Neihardt in the 1930’s. The song samples Neihardt reading from his book then later Wishart takes over. The song is dominated by a fast Native American Indian beat. One of my favorite Hawkwind songs. “Images” and “Wings” also on side one are good. Side two starts with “Out Of The Shadows” a more traditional Hawkwind song and “Ship Of Dreams” with two instrumentals with a lush keyboard sound almost like Ambient or Trance music.