This is from 1984 an was the high point for this duo. I bought this for 50 cents at a store in Allentown.They had a whole room with records for fifty cents.They were piled on tables and in crates on the floor. Another one I only knew the three songs that were videos and I did not like any of them except maybe “Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid”. The rest of the record is pretty bad and very dated. I won’t be keeping this one. I don’t like their music from the late 70’s to the early 80’s but I do like their earlier records. I saw them in Reading in 2006. They played most of the songs I like and only a couple I didn’t. I bought a copy of the concert from Instant Live that records concerts and puts them on CD . This was mailed to me but others I have bought like the ones from The Allman Brothers and Phil Lesh showes I saw were given out right after the concerts after about a half hour wait.