I originally had this on 8-Track tape. I remember listening to this on my portable 8-Track player while I was delivering my papers. I later bought the record at some time,sold it,and bought this one ,I don’t remember where or when but it does still have the $3.99 price tag on it. I did buy the single “We’re An American Band” b/w “Creepin'” in 1973. I remember it was on yellow vinyl. One of only a few 45’s I ever bought. By this time the band had dropped Railroad from their name going with Grand Funk from now on. Craig Frost’s keyboards take a more prominate role on this record.This Todd Rundgren produced record would be their biggest seller and certified gold just weeks after it’s release. Certainly a great record,almost a classic in my opinion,I always liked “Creepin'”,”Railroad”,”Ain’t Got Nobody”,and “Loneliest Rider”. This was the high point of their career,nothing they did after this was very good. I remember seeing the Mark Farner Band at some kind of block party in Philly(it might have been on South St.) in ’79.