A great live album recorded in London in 1977 and released the same year. Every song is 5 minutes or longer and there is plenty of George Kooyman’s guitar in every track. They play three songs from their ’77 album Contraband(or Mad Love in the U.S.),”Mad Love’s Comin'”,”Con Man” and a blistering “Fightin’ Windmills” that Barry Hay dedicates to all the Dutch bands struggling to make it.They also play the Byrds classic “Eight Miles High” which includes a spacey jam in the middle of the song.Their 5th album called Eight Miles High used a whole side of the record to cover that song. Of course the record includes “Radar Love” in an extended 12 minute jam and also “Candy’s Going Bad” and “Vanilla Queen” from the Moontan record. The title track from To The Hilt and “Just Like Vince Taylor” are also Rocked out.”She Flies On Strange Wings” is the only older song on the record.I saw them in concert probably in 1978 as an opening act for Styx I believe. They only played for about an hour but it was the only reason I went to the concert as I had seen Styx the year before.