Gentle Giant were a Progressive band from England active from 1970 to 1980.A two record compilation covering songs from their first six albums. A really great collection,not a bad song on the album.Four of the seven songs on the first record are from their self titled debut and show the most Progressive side of their music.” Nothing At All” has some nice harmonies and is a favorite. From then on their music was more quirky, changing direction and tempo at a moments notice.As I said before every song is good, most rocking with guitar and violin featured in most of the songs. The only rare track on this record is “Power And The Glory” a single that did not appear on the record of the same name.This record is an import from England never released in the U.S. on Vertigo records, featuring the label by Roger Dean, that I bought in 1975 when it was released. The record store I went to often back then had a section of imports that I would always look through whenever I was there.Another record that was played a lot when I was living in two apartments,especially side four.The record and cover are in good shape no skips.