This one came out in 1986 when I bought it. This is the last Genesis record with any relevance,their next two were really bad. Like the Genesis album this is mostly pure Pop.Some songs like “Invisible Touch”,”In Too Deep”,and “Anything She Does” sound like they came off a Phil Collins solo record.The two best songs on the record are “Tonight,Tonight,Tonight”with its precussion/synthesiser middle section and “Domino” a two part song that sounds a little like the old Genesis.Also good is the rockin’ “Land Of Confusion” that was covered by some Heavy Metal type band in the 90’s. The ballad “Throwing It All Away” is another one I like.This ended up being their best selling record in the States. They put out two more records,one with a new singer before calling it quits. The band had planned a reunion tour in 2020 but was pushed back because of the pandemic. the future remains uncertain.