This album was released in late 1976 the same year as A Trick Of The Tail. The first of their records where I didn’t like every song.The first song “Eleventh Earl Of Mar is about a Scottish Earl of the 1700’s and one of the best songs on the record.After thaqt is “One For The Vine” a song I never liked followed by “Your Own Special Way” a love song and there most Pop like song they had recorded to date. This was always a favorite of mine. The last song on the side is “Wot Gorilla?” a rather uninspired instrumental.Side two starts with”All In A Mouses Night” a silly song about a cat and mouse but a good one.”Blood On The Rooftops” is about the news media and another good song.Two instrumentals, also not that great, “Unquiet Slumbers For The Sleepers…” and “…In The Quit Earth” ,titles taken from Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights,go right into the last track ” Afterglow” another love song that they used to close their live shows for years.The record is pretty scratchy in some places and the cover has the usual water damage.