This is the band Ronnie Montrose formed after the breakup of his previous band Montrose. Keeping Jim Alcivar and Alan Fitzgerald from Montrose he added Davey Pattison on vocals and a new drummer to this band. Their debut album came out in 1979. This is a used record bought last year for $3. Not as rocking as his Montrose albums this record makes use of new synthesizer technology including a vocoder on two of the songs. First time listening to this,it doesn’t sound too bad. “I’m Alive is a cover of one of The Hollies first singles and “Razor King” and “No Tears” both on side one were ones I liked. Side two has another cover, Micky Newbury’s “Wish I Was” and “Fight To The Finish” the last song on the album.The record repeats a series of beeps and bells at the end of the song until the tone arm is lifted from the record.