Galaxie 500 are a trio from Cambridge, Ma. They play a kind of lo-fi psychedelic music. This record is considered their best of the three they put out. This,their second,came out in 1989. This is when we first moved to Philadelphia and I bought this at a record store on the Main Line.I remember playing it for the first time in the family room in the basement of the house. My youngest son,who was about one and a half at the time was playing with the cover. This is a good record with singer and guitarist Dean Wareham singing in a high pitched voice that can be annoying at times. Side two is the one I played most with songs like “Decomposing Trees”,”Leave The Planet” and “Another Day” with vocals by bass player Naomi Yang singing and featuring a blistering psychedelic solo by Wareham.”Strange”on side one is the song that sticks in my head with a tune you can actually hum.”When Will You Come Home” has a long guitar jam fadeout that sounds very Velvet Underground like. The record closes with a cover of George Harrison’s “Isn’t It A Pity”.