His third self titled album from 1980. This is another record I taped off the radio when I was living in Wilmington, just off Bancroft Parkway.The record I bought is a numbered half speed mastered 45rpm two record set that came out in 2015. The sound is awesome but the first record(side one of the original release) has some visible defects on both sides of the record. Inch long scratches and pits are on the record. At first play the record skipped all over the place.After getting an upgrade on the cartridge and stylus for my turntable two weeks ago and having it professionally balanced with all the settings just right, I was pleased to find the record played fine with only a few bad spots on the song “Family Snapshot”. No skips. This is my favorite record by him and I listened to the cassette all the time.Unfortunately I threw out all my tapes I had recorded off the radio when I sold my house in West Reading and moved to Bally. Every song is good ,some favorites are “Games Without Frontiers”,with friends trying to figure out what hes was saying in the chorus but I with four years of French in High School knew he was just saying the title of the song in French,”I Don’t Remember”,”And Through The Wire”and “Biko”. He had help again from Robert Fripp,Tony Levin,Larry Fast,and Phil Collins playing drums on many tracks,with Kate Bush on backing vocals. Cover by Hipgnosis.