Peter Frampton-Frampton Comes Alive


This two record set came out in 1976 and made a star of Peter Frampton.It was one of the best selling albums of 1976 and one of the best selling live albums of all time.Playing songs from his four albums which all sound better live. Always liked sides two and four the best especially “I Want To Go To The Sun”,”Lines On My Face” and of course the 14 minute “Do You Feel Like We Do ” making use of his talk box. Always a favorite to listen to when under the influence. This was a record that has been played hundreds of times mostly during the apartment days. The cover is in fair shape,the record doesn’t sound bad,there is a bad spot on side four the side that was playe 90% of the time. I was at the Yes/Frampton show at JFK stadium in June of 1976. Also on the bill was Gary Wright and the Poussart Dart Band. The Mummers even showed up for a bit. I went with a friend of my sister who drove. She was ready to leave after Frampton’s set but I said NO WAY! She did stay but would not stay for the encore so I missed that.I remember it being very hot,getting sunburnt, then very cold when the sun went down and Yes came on stage.Some people started fires on the playing field. We were in the stands to the right of the stage. Frampton and Yes put on great shows,I remember Gary Wright tripping over the cord of his portable keyboard he had strapped around his neck and almost falling. The concert set a record for attendance at an enclosed stadium at the time.Quite an experience,the only one to rival it would be the four days spent at Bonnaroo which were totally crazy.

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