The second album from this Portland based band.On this 2019 release Bill Reiflin is relegated to production duties and Linda Pitmon from Steve Wynn’s band The Miracle Three was brought in on drums.Much more political that the last record the sing about all the lefts favorite subjects like illegal immigration,climate change,and a hatred of the President. While the playing and singing is good,Tucker’s voice sounding much different than her Sleater-Kinney singing the lyrics,printed on the inside, get in the way. Don’t need to be preached at about illegal families”Angels”,deforestation “The Elliot”,migrant workers”Emerald Valley”fossil fuels “Pipeline” and the President “November Man.” If I want that I can watch CNN. Maybe they can get Patterson Hood,of the now political Drive By Truckers, who now lives in Portland, to be on their next record.