This is a band from Boston not to be confused by the Punk band with the same name. This came out in 1984. I saw this band play live at Uncle Sams,a well known club in Hull, Mass. After moving to Hull in August of ’83 I was staying at a motel at Nantasket Beach near the club. A fellow worker at the shipyard ,who I has just met, went to the show with me.He was a cousin of a member of the opening band The Drive.As he explained there was a big to-do because The Drive was a new band formed by members of another band The Lines.After the show we did some partying with members of the band and met some members of Face To Face. The funky “Under The Gun” was a song I remembered from the show. I really liked the band and became a big fan after that. I bought this record as soon as it came out. The whole record is good,not too 80’s sounding.Side two is the best opening with two great songs “Under The Gun” and “10-9-8”. Both were made into videos and were played on MTV. The rest of the songs are also good. Side one is not as good but I like “All Because Of You” and “Over The Edge”. Lead singer Laurie Sargent was the singing voice for Diane Lane in the 1984 movie Streets Of Fire.