Their fourth record,another one I bought upon it’s release in early 1974. Released on their own label Manticore Records it was also their last studio record of any importance. The title of the record is taken from a line in Dr.John’s song “Right Place Wrong Time” and although the band recorded a song with that title it was not put on the record, later appearing on Works Vol. II. The album starts off with “Jerusalem” a British hymn with words from William Blake followed by “Tocatta” another Classical adaptation by Emerson with an interesting percussion section by Palmer. “Still… You Turn Me On” an acoustic song by Lake and “Benny The Bouncer” are the last songs on the record save for “Karn Evil 9” which takes up the rest of side one and all of side two. At over 29 minutes the song is the groups masterpiece and my favorite by them. Divided into three “Impressions” the first seems to be a description of carnival sideshow acts which was played a lot on the radio. The 2nd part is a piano solo and the third part,my favorite,is about a conflict between man and computer. They brought in Lake’s King Crimson crony Pete Sinfield to help with the lyrics. A classic in the Progressive Rock genre this was their last record of ant relevance. My original record was in very bad shape,the unique split gatefold cover was ripped so I replaced it with a new one in 2015. Unfortunatly this new record has many defects,lots of skips and loud pops.The sound is bad and recorded at a low volume. On the plus side the cover is very nice, the two halves are folded perfectly so they open easily. I’ll be looking for a used copy and put it in the new cover.