This ones from 1976 and is their breakout album. Released in September it was one of the biggest selling records over the next 12 months. My brother had this record back then so I heard it a lot but was never too crazy about it. “Living Thing was played constantly on the radio and I got really sick of hearing it. Side one is best,I always liked “Telephone Line” and “Mission(A World Record)”. “Rockaria” is good old Rock & Roll. I like the operatic vocal in the middle of the song but that’s about all of that I can take. Side two has “So Fine” another song that got a lot of airplay,”Living Thing” and two others I don’t like. The best song on side two is “Do Ya” a remake of one of The Moves last recordings from 1972,sounding much the same. I bought this used some time ago,can’t remember when.Cover and record are in fair shape,a little scratchy,no skips.