This record came out in 2010 which is when I bought it. It’s the last record of new material the band has put out. In 2014 they released an album of their hits that they re-worked with guest vocalists. The band now is made up of original members Simmons,Johnston,and drummer Michael Hossack,plus John McFee who has been with the band since 1979. The two record vinyl edition has a different track order than the CD. It sounds pretty much like the old Doobie brothers I have come to love. Michael McDonald sings on the song “Don’t Say Goodbye” and Willie Nelson on “I Know We Won”. I haven’t listened to this record a lot since it’s fairly new but I like side three the best. It starts of with “Nobody” a remake of a song on their first record and is followed by the title track a Tom Johnston rocker. The side closes with “Far From Home” a mellower Patrick Simmons tune. They continue to tour and are working on a 50th anniversary tour in the near future. I saw them play about five or six years ago at Merlefest in North Carolina. They sounded pretty damned good.