This was their last tour before breaking up in 1983. Patrick Simmons was the only original member of the band remaining. Michael McDonald was there on vocals and Tom Johnston joined them to play “Long Train Running” and “China Grove” at the very last show in Berkeley Ca. It’s a pretty good live record, most of the songs are pretty straightforward sounding much like they did on record. They play two unreleased songs “Olana”and “Can’t Let It Get Away” a song I really like. I bought this record inn 1983 when I first moved to Massachusetts. I was staying in a hotel room at the time and had no stereo to play it on. It wasn’t until January of 1984 that I was able to find a house to rent in Hull and move my things up from Delaware. Once I had my stereo equipment I would record albums on cassette so I could listen to them in my car. Funny the things you remember while listening to music. Whenever I play this record I remember playing it in my car while driving past some kind of Monastery or Abbey that was near where I lived in Hull.