This came out in 2007 when I bought it. Vinyl releases were still pretty rare then, this was one of a few that were released. I had never heard of the band but I decided to buy it. After looking them up I found that they were from the San Francisco area and this is their eighth record. It’s a kind of experimental noise pop,many of the songs seem very fractured. The singer is a female from Japan who sings in a high girlish voice. I don’t like most of this record. I guess side two is the better side with three songs on it. The first “Matchbook Seeks Maniac” is the most “normal” sounding song on the record and the only one I really like. “Choco Fight” is ok and the record closes with the nearly 12 minute “Look Away” a mostly instrumental song that sounds almost Avant- Garde at times. The record comes with 12 alternate covers on 6 double sided posters included inside. Most are very strange and look like they were finger-painted.