This came out in 1970. A really great record,every song is awesome. I had heard many of the songs on the radio but the first time I heard the record was at a party at my future wife’s parents house sometime later that year. her older brother and sister,who were my age,were having some kind of church Sunday school/youth group get together in their basement were they played the record. I didn’t know they had a little sister who was about 7 at the time. Of course I had to buy it. A first edition, it has the rough textured cover with the certified gold record sticker on it.Like I said every song is a classic to me and was played many times on my parents Webcor record player.

Something fell on this record while it was being played a long time ago,probably 35 or 40 years ago and put a jagged hole in it on the second song and a crack from the hole out to the outer edge of the record. The first song on each side “Carry On” and “Deja Vu” can be played with a little scratch were the crack is but the hole is on both of Graham Nash’s songs “Teach Your Children” and “Our House” both of which were top 40 hits. The record hasn’t been played since the accident. I don’t know why I haven’t replaced it yet,there re plenty of used copies out there,but I would want to keep the cover which is in pretty good shape. Inside the cover are the lyrics that I typed on my mothers manual typewriter on four pages stapled together. I remember typing this because it was the day Hurricane Agnes was moving through the state. Most of the lyrics I wrote from memory sometimes listening to the record to hear what they were and if I didn’t understand them I made them up.For some reason I didn’t do the lyrics to “Woodstock”. I don’t remember why,maybe because it was a Joni Mitchell song? Looking at them now it’s funny the words I got wrong. I remember typing words for the Who’s Whos Next and Meaty,Beaty,Big, and Bouncy the same day.