This record came out in late 71 and is their easily best record. This one originally belonged to my sister but I guess I adopted it. I believe she got it from Colombia House. There was a art teacher in high school who was a real hippy type with a big Afro and mustache who would play records while we were doing our projects. “Killer” was one of them along with Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix. Although a year younger than me we both had the same teacher.I Think this is where she knew the record. When she got it she immediately threw out the picture of Alice with the noose around his neck. Side one of this record is one of the best sides of any Hard Rock record. Leading off with two singles “Under My Wheels” and “Be My Lover” they are followed by “Halo Of Flies” that goes through different phases and finally “Desperado”. Hard to say which of these four songs are my favorite. Side two opens with two more short would be singles “You Drive Me Nervous” and “Yeah,Yeah,Yeah” and into “Dead Babies” a hard rocking song with unusual lyrics about child abuse. The last track is “Killer”. It starts out fast paced with Alice lamenting about a killing and then slows down with screaming or sirens in the background before turning into a funeral dirge. I saw Alice Cooper in concert in 1977 or 78. He was a solo artist at that time but was still performing “Killer” compete with scaffold and mock hanging. This record is almost 50 years old and suffered some abuse,the cover is in bad shape but the record plays fine,no scratches or skips. They don’t make them like they used to.